INFO: task blocked for more than 120 seconds.解决办法

INFO: task blocked for more than 120 seconds. 448cb37eca8065383efdcca497dda144ac348295 This is a know bug. By default Linux uses up to 40% of the available memory for file system caching. After this mark has been reached the file system flushes all outstanding data to disk causing all following IOs going synchronous. For flushing out this data to disk this there is a time limit of 120 seconds by default. In the case here the IO subsystem is not fast enough to flush the data withing 120 seconds. This especially happens on systems with a lof of memory. The problem is solved in later kernels and there is not “fix” from Oracle. I fixed this by lowering the mark for flushing the cache from 40% to 10% by setting “vm.dirty_ratio=10″ in /etc/sysctl.conf. This setting does not influence overall database performance since you hopefully use Direct IO and bypass the file system cache completely.   原理:linux会设置40%的可用内存用来做系统cache,当flush数据时这40%内存中的数据由于和IO同步问题导致超时(120s),所将40%减小到10%,避免超时。 简单讲就是设置在文件 /etc/sysctl.conf中加入 “vm.dirty_ratio=10″ 。